Happiness is a state of our mind. First : Whether we have something or not, whether we have that person or not, we need to learn how to keep ourselves happy. Happiness and love are human rights at every stage of life. Even if you are not happy, create a thought that "I am a happy being". Every thought we create that creates nerve synapsis inside our brain and then the signals travel through our body, which we eventually make us happy. Two magical times to create this thought is : 15 minutes before sleeping and 15 minutes after getting up in the morning. Which will program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts. Second : Laughing simply for a longer time without any reason will trick our mind to feel that we are happy. We do not need a reason to laugh friends, just laugh and laugh and laugh and keep yourself happy by making sure that the people around you are also happy. Third : Go in front of the mirror look at yourself, smile at yoursel...
How to understand the Goal of life, purpose of life ? Importance of living ? self helping? How to be happy ? what is happiness ? Why is one not happy in life ? how to approach problems of life ? how to attain god's feet ? How to love everyone ? how to remove hatred from life ? How to be free from life ? . Life Motivational quotes , for everyone, achieving success, for a life, motivation for a student, inspiring story"es.... Ways motivation can change your life !!