Dear friends, When you attempt to achieve a new goal , remember the following points in mind : 1. You are starting a new unknown journey , which will have many hurdles. 2. You will face new kinds of problems , which will also be a challenge for u to overcome. 3. You will meet new kind of people , who will teach you many things . 4. You will have new kind of experiences , which you have never had before. 5. After experiencing everything , you get fruitful results. ==> But whatever may come in your way , never step back friends , there will be thousands of reasons for you to giveup on your goal , but one strong reason is enough to continue your hardest journey , which will fetch you fruitful results. ==> Let anything come in your way , have faith and self confidence, the things you experience now , will make yourself stronger . ==> Go and do it my dear friends , you can do it , no matter what comes , say to yourself "I can do it, and I wi...
How to understand the Goal of life, purpose of life ? Importance of living ? self helping? How to be happy ? what is happiness ? Why is one not happy in life ? how to approach problems of life ? how to attain god's feet ? How to love everyone ? how to remove hatred from life ? How to be free from life ? . Life Motivational quotes , for everyone, achieving success, for a life, motivation for a student, inspiring story"es.... Ways motivation can change your life !!