situations with hardest problems will make you and your soul more stronger )
Problems are a part of life. Noone can avoid them, but accept them solve them and become stronger in life. This should be everyone's approach.
For example : you have a major health problem, which can't be diagnosed by any doctors in the city you are living in. Will you loose hopes? Yes at some point of time every human will. But have faith in God, be grateful because you are alive and breathing today. Sometimes family is the solution to every problems in your life. Try approaching maximum number of doctors in that case, doctors out of the country you are living. But every problem always has a solution.
For instance a teenage boy from a poor family : faced this situation, and continued suffering. but remember my friend, whatever problem may come in life, u should always be ready to face it from every angle possible. Also never get afraid of some problems take you nearer to face death.
When a problem arises there's a solution born at the same time, so be patient dear friend, trust God, you will never fail in life. Have a strong self affirmation, that you will solve your problems.
But Some problems, get solved be an unknown person who enters your life. Well, there's always a reason, when a new person enters in your life, either to solve your problems, or to teach you something.
Some problems also, remain unsolved, keep them aside and go forward in life, situations with friends and relatives get created instantly, but they are not important. Keep them aside.
Similarly unsolved problems will have a solution but don't break your head for that, these unsolved problems are also a part of life. At some point in life you will find solution.
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